The next generation of supply chain, now at your fingertips

Our mission

At Replique, we want to revolutionize the way parts are produced towards more sustainability, resilience and efficiency. And we believe that 3D printing (additive manufacturing) combined with a digital inventory can be the gamechanger towards that. Our secure 3D printing platform empowers businesses of all sizes to produce high-quality products on-demand, at the right place and in the right quality and amount. Not only can you save on costs and production time, but our platform can also provide peace of mind with robust IP protection and quality assurance in decentralized manufacturing. We’re committed to providing a fast, easy, and reliable production and supply chain solution, so businesses can focus on what they do best – creating innovative products that meet the needs of their customers.

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Our story

What started with a big vision of BASF employees…

The question that built the foundation for our solution arised in early 2020 within the BASF Digital Transformation Initiative: how can a digital product truly add value to the production world? With our knowledge of data utilization, we had an idea. Why not transport digital files and produce goods in a decentralized manner, rather than being subject to complex supply chains? Of course, this would have to be done securely and industrial quality must be guaranteed. Thus the idea of our safe production platform was born. The next step was to make it a reality. The idea was formed. The next step was to make it a reality. At Chemovator GmbH, the internal venture builder of BASF, our co-founders Henrike Wonneberger and Max Siebert, and our rapidly growing team, got the opportunity to validate the idea in a protected environment.

… turned into a trusted company in 2023.

During our time at Chemovator, we successfully established a strong customer base which includes well-known brands such as Miele and Alstom. We developed an innovative digital platform that allows their customers to store their parts in a secure cloud, order them on-demand, track their producted parts, and even integrate with other ordering channels such as ERP systems or webshops. In 2023, Replique became an independent entity, with continued support from Chemovator, BASF, and our investors. Despite the evolution of the platform, our core mission remains the same: to empower companies to seamlessly shift to decentralized manufacturing with ease and confidence.

Meet the team

We are passionate about simplifying industrial processes and making them more sustainable. This passion has given rise to our vision of revolutionizing decentralized manufacturing with a secure digital platform.


Join the supply chain revolution, with a team just as enthusiastic and innovative as you.


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